Amy Benton Krenz, Founder

Amy Benton Krenz- PhD, C-IAYT

Amy Benton Krenz- PhD, C-IAYT, NLP#0110549

Amy has extensively studied, practiced,
and taught Eastern meditative and philosophical disciplines for over 20 years.

Amy Benton Krenz began her education at Louisiana State University majoring in psychology and business in the early 1980s. After decades of raising three children as well as owning and operating a number of successful local businesses in Boulder Colorado, Amy began pursuing her calling as a guide earning her masters degree in clinical psychology and PhD in contemplative studies.

Amy has been an entrepreneur, teacher, public speaker, spiritual educator and student of eastern practices and philosophy for over 20 years. After decades of group facilitation, she now offers her services to individuals and couples. Amy is also a C-IAYT Yoga Therapist offering somatic tools for self regulation and non-denominational spiritual counseling.

Amy has three decades of extensive experience and study in eastern meditative and philosophical disciplines. Amy’s areas of study include Korean Zen Meditation with Soenghyang (Barbara Rhodes), Jin Shin Jyitsu with Dr Stephanie Mines- Dom Project, Level 1- 5 Element Taoist study at ITEA, Holotropic Breathwork with Stan Grof and Tav Sparks, Taoist Qui Gong & Taijiquan and Shin Buddhism. For 20 years, Amy has taught and practiced hatha yoga, providing over 10,000 hours of public instruction. Amy is a C-IAYT Certified International Yoga Therapist.

“With humility, humanity, humor and professionalism, Amy will explore the relationships between your personal history, lifestyle, environmental influences, the systems you are a part of, your physical health and your capacity for inner awareness in order to live with ease.”


“I see Amy when I have to make big changes at work or in relationships. She always helps me get very clear on my priorities, my responsibilities, my vision, my boundaries and the best way to make difficult decisions and communicate them compassionately. Whether you are seeking personal or professional coaching, see Amy when it comes to clear communication-there is no one better in Boulder.” - Frederick D., 59


Inner Peace Yoga Therapy 800 program - C-IAYT (Certified International Association of Yoga Therapist)

Nutritional and Integrative Medicine for Mental Health - Mental Health Integrative Medicine Provider (CMHIMP)

NADA - Auricular (ear) acupuncture protocol for anxiety, stress, trauma, disordered eating and addiction.

Sundara Overcome Anxiety - Clinical Facilitator - TIYT (TM)

Verified Fellowship: The Science of Happiness Course/UC Berkeley, the Greater Good Science Center; Emiliana Simon-Thomas, Ph.D & Dacher Keltner, Ph.D

End Of Life “Cause For Pause”end of life care certification - Willow Farm Contemplative Center

Safe Death Initiative - Death Doula Certification

E-500 Registered Yoga Teacher - Yoga Alliance

Bowen Family System Training for clinical application - Center for Family Consultation

Acceptance and Commitment Training - Certification in Core Skills

Culinary Institute Of America - Associate Degree in Culinary Arts



“You can rise up from anything. You can completely recreate yourself. Nothing is permanent. You’re not stuck. You have choices. You can think new thoughts. You can learn something new. You can create new habits. All that matters is that you decide today and never look back.”

- Idil Ahmed